e-Signature Connectors for Alfresco Users
DocuSign or Adobe Sign
Electronic Signature Connectors for Alfresco
Imagine being able to submit a completely reviewed and approved document to one of the top two electronic signature providers - DocuSign or Adobe Sign - all within your document repository or workflow and having full accountability and visibility from start to finish.
e-signature integration
The DocuSign and Adobe Sign connectors work with a series of prebuilt RESTful services that can work within any custom application or within Alfresco Process Services.
Underneath the hood
Get list of email recipients (approvers)
Track approvers activities
Provide document links and track decisions
Fully signed documents sent to e-signature provider
Signed document is published to ACS repository
Users no longer have to manually complete the signature process separate from their digital repository or workflow. One integration for expedient processing within Alfresco. Plus, the integration is fully expandable to other interfaces to give your company full power and control.
The value of e-sign connectors
Select the link for more information about our e-Signature Connectors for Alfresco. Contact ClearCadence for more information about pricing, implementation and how our digital process solutions and services can assist you.